Kate Hunter's Publications
About Kate Hunter's Publications
Senior Research Fellow, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Program- PhD,
Accessibility of Primary, Specialist, and Allied Health Services for Aboriginal People Living in Rural and Remote Communities: Protocol for a Mixed-Methods Study
JMIR Research Protocols Date published: -
Equity in functional and health related quality of life outcomes following injury in children - a systematic review
Critical Public Health Date published: -
Latest results show urgent need to address child restraint use
South African Medical Journal Date published: -
National Injury Prevention Strategy - Literature Review
Date published: -
Behind the Wheel: Process Evaluation of a Safe-Transport Program for Older Drivers Delivered in a Randomized Controlled Trial
Journal of Applied Gerontology Date published: -
Barriers to correct child restraint use: A qualitative study of child restraint users and their needs
Safety Science Date published: -
Overcoming barriers to use of child car seats in an urban Aboriginal community-formative evaluation of a program for Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services
Pilot and Feasibility Studies Date published: -
PW 1898 Embedding multi-sectoral solutions to address transport injury and social determinants of health in aboriginal communities in australia
Abstracts Date published: -
PA 16-5-1933 User-centred instructions reduce misuse of child restraint systems: results from a controlled laboratory trial
Abstracts Date published: -
PW 1441 Significant difference in vulnerability for injuries between boys and girls in cape town, south africa
Abstracts Date published: -
PW 1756 Outcomes following injury in young people
Abstracts Date published: -
Factors that impact access to ongoing health care for First Nation children with a chronic condition
BMC Health Services Research Date published: -
The role of Aboriginal family workers in delivering a child safety-focused home visiting program for Aboriginal families in an urban region of New South Wales
Health Promotion Journal of Australia Date published: -
Burn injury models of care: A review of quality and cultural safety for care of Indigenous children
Burns Date published: -
Can child restraint product information developed using consumer testing sustain correct use 6 months after child restraint purchase? Study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial
Injury Prevention Date published: -
Sporting opportunities for people with physical disabilities: Mixed methods study of web-based searches and sport provider interviews
Health Promotion Journal of Australia Date published: