Kate Hunter's Publications
About Kate Hunter's Publications
Senior Research Fellow, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Program- PhD,
“He’s the Number One Thing in My World”: Application of the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model to Explore Child Car Seat Use in a Regional Community in New South Wales
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Date published: -
Use of telehealth for health care of Indigenous peoples with chronic conditions: a systematic review
Rural and Remote Health Date published: -
Driver licensing and health: A social ecological exploration of the impact of licence participation in Australian Aboriginal communities
Journal of Transport & Health Date published: -
Communities driving change: evaluation of an Aboriginal driver licensing programme in Australia
Health Promotion International Date published: -
‘The program was the solution to the problem’: Process evaluation of a multi-site driver licensing program in remote communities
Journal of Transport & Health Date published: -
Addressing the barriers to driver licensing for Aboriginal people in New South Wales and South Australia
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health Date published: -
Applying a context-informed approach to evaluation of a licensing support program with Aboriginal communities: a study protocol.
Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety Date published: -
Applying a context-informed approach to evaluation of a driver licensing support program with Aboriginal communities: a study protocol
Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, Date published: -
Qualitative consumer input for enhancing child restraint product information to prevent misuse: preliminary results
Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety Date published: -
58 Child car restraint use among aboriginal and torres strait islander children
Indigenous Safety Date published: -
57 Driving change: implementation of a multi-site community licensing program for aboriginal people
Indigenous Safety Date published: -
520 Summative process evaluation of a driver licensing support program in remote aboriginal communities
Traffic Safety Date published: -
537 Consensus driven design of child restraint product information to reduce misuse
Traffic Safety Date published: -
203 Addressing Australian Aboriginal child injury through policy and practice guidelines
Injury Prevention Date published: -
190 Behind the wheel: driving exposure and participation from a randomised controlled trial program for older drivers
Injury Prevention Date published: -
Challenges to driver licensing participation for Aboriginal people in Australia: a systematic review of the literature
International Journal for Equity in Health Date published: