Kathy Trieu's Publications
About Kathy Trieu's Publications
Program Lead - Nutrition Implementation Research, Food Policy- Conjoint Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine UNSW
- PhD,
- MPH,
- BAppSc (Nutr&ExSpSc)
Impact of dose and duration of dietary salt reduction on blood pressure levels: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials
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Paucity of high-quality studies reporting on salt and health outcomes from the science of salt: A regularly updated systematic review of salt and health outcomes (April 2017 to March 2018)
The Journal of Clinical Hypertension Date published: -
Mid-term evaluation of Malaysia’s national salt reduction strategy
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High sodium intake increases blood pressure and risk of kidney disease. From the Science of Salt: A regularly updated systematic review of salt and health outcomes (August 2016 to March 2017)
The Journal of Clinical Hypertension Date published: -
Sodium Levels of Processed Meat in Australia: Supermarket Survey Data from 2010 to 2017
Nutrients Date published: -
24 hour urinary sodium excretion in Kazakhstan - one of the highest in the world
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A13673 Estimating mean population salt intake in Fiji and Samoa using spot urine samples
Journal of Hypertension Date published: -
A15481 Mean urinary salt excretion in two Kazakhstan regions - one of the highest in the world
Journal of Hypertension Date published: -
Process evaluation of Samoa’s national salt reduction strategy (MASIMA): what interventions can be successfully replicated in lower-income countries?
Implementation Science Date published: -
Protocol for the Process Evaluation of a Complex, Statewide Intervention to Reduce Salt Intake in Victoria, Australia
Nutrients Date published: -
How to benchmark the sodium content levels in their products with others within the same food category
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Measuring the Healthiness of the Packaged Food Supply in Australia
Nutrients Date published: -
The Science of Salt: A focused review on salt-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviors, and gender differences
The Journal of Clinical Hypertension Date published: -
Using dietary intake modelling to achieve a 30% reduction in population salt intake: guidance on how to develop a country-specific salt reduction model
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Process Evaluation and Costing of a Multifaceted Population-Wide Intervention to Reduce Salt Consumption in Fiji
Nutrients Date published: -
Using dietary intake modelling to achieve population salt reduction - A guide to developing a country-specific salt reduction model
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