Laurent Billot's Publications
About Laurent Billot's Publications
Director, Biostatistics and Data Science- Professor, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
- MSC,
- AStat
How should a cluster randomized trial be analyzed?
Journal of Epidemiology and Population Health Date published: -
Practical and methodological challenges when conducting a cluster randomized trial: Examples and recommendations
Journal of Epidemiology and Population Health Date published: -
Cluster randomized trials: statistical, practical and ethical issues
Journal of Epidemiology and Population Health Date published: -
Triple therapy prevention of recurrent intracerebral disease events trial (TRIDENT): progressive report
Date published: -
Traditional Chinese Medicine for the Treatment of Acute Intracerebral Haemorrhage: A Multicentre, Randomised, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Clinical Trial
Unknown Date published: -
Update on the INTEnsive ambulance-delivered blood pressure Reduction in hyper-ACute stroke Trial (INTERACT4): progress and baseline features in 2053 participants
Trials Date published: -
REVISE: re-evaluating the inhibition of stress erosions in the ICU-statistical analysis plan for a randomized trial
Trials Date published: -
Selective digestive tract decontamination in critically ill adults with acute brain injuries: a post hoc analysis of a randomized clinical trial
Intensive Care Medicine Date published: -
REVISE:Re-Evaluating theInhibition ofStressErosions in the ICU: a randomised trial protocol
BMJ Open Date published: -
The main Optimal Post rTpa-Iv Monitoring in Ischemic Stroke Trial (OPTIMISTmain): protocol for a pragmatic, stepped wedge, cluster randomized controlled trial
Cerebrovascular Diseases Date published: -
Adaptive designs in critical care trials: a simulation study
BMC Medical Research Methodology Date published: -
Selective digestive tract decontamination in critically ill adults with acute brain injuries: a Post-Hoc analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial.
Unknown Date published: -
Statistical Analysis Plan for the INTEnsive ambulance-delivered blood pressure Reduction in hyper-Acute stroke Trial (INTERACT4)
Unknown Date published: -
The incidence and risk factors of postpartum diabetes in women from Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka (South Asia) with prior Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Results from the LIVING study
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice Date published: -
A community-based intervention to improve screening, referral and follow-up of non-communicable diseases and anaemia amongst pregnant and postpartum women in rural India: study protocol for a cluster randomised trial
Trials Date published: -
Correction: OPAL: a randomised, placebo-controlled trial of opioid analgesia for the reduction of pain severity in people with acute spinal pain-a statistical analysis plan
Trials Date published: