Stephen Jan's Publications
About Stephen Jan's Publications
Head of Health Economics and Process Evaluation Program- Co-Director, Health System Science
- Professor of Health Economics, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
Pricing and Impact: Understanding Sales Trends and Price-Volume Distributions of Antihypertensive Drugs in Europe, USA, and India
Pharmaceutical Medicine Date published: -
Implementation of a data-driven quality improvement program in primary care for patients with coronary heart disease: a mixed methods evaluation of acceptability, satisfaction, barriers and enablers
Australian Journal of Primary Health Date published: -
Determinants of healthcare utilization under the Indonesian national health insurance system - a cross-sectional study
BMC Health Services Research Date published: -
Modelling the health, financial protection and equity impacts of upscaling the ACT NOW early intervention breast cancer pilot program in the Philippines: an extended cost-effectiveness analysis
BMJ Global Health Date published: -
‘I don’t think I really realised how different the ‘new normal’ would be’-a qualitative study with cancer survivors to inform the development of survivorship centres
Academia Oncology Date published: -
Implementation of a goal-directed Care Bundle for intracerebral hemorrhage: Results of embedded process evaluation in the INTERACT3 trial
PLOS Global Public Health Date published: -
Statistical Analysis Plan for the Optimal Post rTpa-Iv Monitoring in Ischemic Stroke Trial (OPTIMIST)
Unknown Date published: -
Systematic scoping review of socioeconomic burden and associated psychosocial impact in patients with rare kidney diseases and their caregivers
Kidney International Reports Date published: -
Cardiovascular health and economic outcomes under improved air quality in China: a modelling study
BMJ Global Health Date published: -
Is the delivery of National Disability Insurance Scheme in Australia through quasi markets achieving the right outcomes in vision rehabilitation services? A qualitative study
Disability and Rehabilitation Date published: -
National Estimates of Direct Health Care Costs Associated with Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infection among Hospitalized Hemodialysis Patients in Australia
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Date published: -
The impact of a multi-faceted intervention on non-prescription dispensing of antibiotics by urban community pharmacies in Indonesia: a mixed methods evaluation
BMJ Global Health Date published: -
The gender gap in outpatient care for non-communicable diseases in Mexico between 2006 and 2022
Global Health Research and Policy Date published: -
Implementability and impact in clinical research and the role of clinical trial networks
Medical Journal of Australia Date published: -
Socioeconomic determinants of very frequent presentations to emergency departments in New South Wales, Australia: A state wide data linkage study
Heliyon Date published: -
Scoping review of economic analyses of rare kidney diseases
Kidney International Reports Date published: