Stephen Jan's Publications
About Stephen Jan's Publications
Head of Health Economics and Process Evaluation Program- Co-Director, Health System Science
- Professor of Health Economics, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
Co-designing chronic lung disease education resources with Aboriginal Health Workers (AHWs) and exercise physiologists (EPs)
Rehabilitation and chronic care Date published: -
Incidence of catastrophic health spending in Indonesia: insights from a Household Panel Study 2018-2019
International Journal for Equity in Health Date published: -
Early and Intensive Motor Training for people with spinal cord injuries (the SCI-MT Trial): protocol of the process evaluation
BMJ Open Date published: -
A codesigned integrated kidney and diabetes model of care improves patient activation among patients from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
Health Expectations Date published: -
Factors influencing the time to ethics and governance approvals for clinical trials
Unknown Date published: -
Priority setting for non-communicable disease prevention - Co-producing a regulatory agenda informing novel codes of practice in Australia
Social Science & Medicine Date published: -
Early and intensive motor training to enhance neurological recovery in people with spinal cord injury: trial protocol
Spinal Cord Date published: -
Process Evaluation Results of QUality Improvement for Effectiveness of Care for People Living With Heart Disease (QUEL):A Cluster Randomised Controlled Data-driven Quality Improvement Trial to Improve Cardiovascular Disease Care in Australian Primary Care Practices
Heart, Lung and Circulation Date published: -
Provision of Primary Care Services and Cardioprotective Medication Prescriptions in Patients With Cardiovascular Diseases and Cancer: A Cross-sectional Study
Heart, Lung and Circulation Date published: -
Burden of non-communicable diseases and behavioural risk factors in Mexico: Trends and gender observational analysis
Journal of Global Health Date published: -
Community-based alcohol education intervention (THEATRE) study to reduce harmful effects of alcohol in rural Sri Lanka: design and adaptation of a mixed-methods stepped wedge cluster randomised control trial
BMJ Open Date published: -
The third Intensive Care Bundle with Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Haemorrhage Trial (INTERACT3): an international, stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial
The Lancet Date published: -
The benefits and burden of health financing in Indonesia: analyses of nationally representative cross-sectional data
The Lancet Global Health Date published: -
Role of purchasing agreements for quality of chronic disease care: systematic scoping review
Population Medicine Date published: -
A Gender-Based and Quasi-Experimental Study of the Catastrophic and Impoverishing Health-Care Expenditures in Mexican Households with Elderly Members, 2000-2020
Health Systems & Reform Date published: -
Do Food and Nutrition Policies in Ethiopia Support the Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases through Population-Level Salt Reduction Measures? A Policy Content Analysis
Nutrients Date published: