Stephen Jan's Publications
About Stephen Jan's Publications
Head of Health Economics and Process Evaluation Program- Co-Director, Health System Science
- Professor of Health Economics, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
‘The government cannot do it all alone’: realist analysis of the minutes of community health committee meetings in Nigeria
Health Policy and Planning Date published: -
Rationale, Design, and Baseline Characteristics of the EPICOR Asia Study (Long-tErm follow-uP of antithrombotic management patterns In Acute CORonary Syndrome patients in Asia)
Clinical Cardiology Date published: -
Facilitators and barriers to implementation of a pragmatic clinical trial in Aboriginal health services
Medical Journal of Australia Date published: -
Coordinated care versus standard care in hospital admissions of people with chronic illness: a randomised controlled trial
Medical Journal of Australia Date published: -
Priority Setting in Indigenous Health: Why We Need an Explicit Decision Making Approach
International Indigenous Policy Journal Date published: -
Cost and impoverishment 1 year after hospitalisation due to injuries: a cohort study in Thái Bình, Vietnam
Injury Prevention Date published: -
Head Position in Stroke Trial (HeadPoST) - sitting-up vs lying-flat positioning of patients with acute stroke: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial
Trials Date published: -
AB1255-HPR Personal and Workplace Environmental Factors Associated with Reduced Worker Productivity Among People with Chronic Knee Pain
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases Date published: -
Financial catastrophe, treatment discontinuation and death associated with surgically operable cancer in South-East Asia: Results from the ACTION Study
Surgery Date published: -
How Much Does a Verbal Autopsy Based Mortality Surveillance System Cost in Rural India?
PLOS ONE Date published: -
Patients’ and Providers’ Perspectives of a Polypill Strategy to Improve Cardiovascular Prevention in Australian Primary Health Care
Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes Date published: -
Dialysis outcomes in India: A pilot study
Nephrology Date published: -
Demographic and clinical predictors of unplanned hospital utilisation among chronically ill patients: a prospective cohort study
BMC Health Services Research Date published: -
Determinants of reduced work productivity among people with chronic knee pain: A cross sectional survey
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Date published: -
An analysis of out-of-pocket costs associated with hospitalised injuries in Vietnam
The Lancet Date published: -
Cost of surgery and catastrophic expenditure in people admitted to hospital for injuries: estimates from a cohort study in Vietnam
The Lancet Date published: