Stephen Jan's Publications
About Stephen Jan's Publications
Head of Health Economics and Process Evaluation Program- Co-Director, Health System Science
- Professor of Health Economics, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney
Acceptability of programme budgeting and marginal analysis as a tool for routine priority setting in Indigenous health
The International Journal of Health Planning and Management Date published: -
FAmily-Led RehabiliTaTion aftEr Stroke in INDia: The ATTEND Pilot Study
International Journal of Stroke Date published: -
How decentralisation influences the retention of primary health care workers in rural Nigeria
Global Health Action Date published: -
Understanding if, how and why non-adherent decisions are made in an Australian community sample: A key to sustaining medication adherence in chronic disease?
Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy Date published: -
Community Preferences for the Allocation of Donor Organs for Transplantation
Transplantation Date published: -
Patient Preferences for a Polypill for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases
Annals of Pharmacotherapy Date published: -
Transaction costs of access to health care: Implications of the care-seeking pathways of tuberculosis patients for health system governance in Nigeria
Global Public Health Date published: -
Co-payments for health care: what is their real cost?
Australian Health Review Date published: -
Strengthening health systems in low-income countries by enhancing organizational capacities and improving institutions
Globalization and Health Date published: -
Kanyini Guidelines Adherence with the Polypill (Kanyini GAP) Collaboration. A pragmatic randomized trial of a polypill-based strategy to improve use of indicated preventive treatments in people at high cardiovascular disease risk
Eur J Prev Cardiol Date published: -
INTegrated Electronic General practice support tool, phaRmacy led intervention And combination Therapy Evaluation trial (INTEGRATE)
Heart, Lung and Circulation Date published: -
Are acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients experiencing an economic burden in Australia?
Heart, Lung and Circulation Date published: -
Neglecting preventive health threatens child rights in Australia
The Lancet Date published: -
A multifaceted quality improvement intervention for CVD risk management in Australian primary healthcare: a protocol for a process evaluation
Implementation Science Date published: -
Assessment of equity in healthcare financing in Fiji and Timor-Leste: a study protocol
BMJ Open Date published: -
An economic case for a cardiovascular polypill? A cost analysis of the Kanyini GAP trial
Medical Journal of Australia Date published: