Susmita Chatterjee's Publications
About Susmita Chatterjee's Publications
Program Head - Health Economics- PhD
An intervention to reduce stigma and improve management of depression, risk of suicide/self-harm and other significant emotional or medically unexplained complaints among adolescents living in urban slums: protocol for the ARTEMIS project
Trials Date published: -
An intervention to reduce stigma and improve management of depression, risk of suicide/self-harm and other significant emotional or medically unexplained complaints among adolescents living in urban slums: protocol for the ARTEMIS project
Unknown Date published: -
Financial impact of COVID-19 on TB patients in India
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Date published: -
Age-related Diseases Through the Lens of Health Economics
Frontiers Research Topics Date published: -
Return on investment of the electronic vaccine intelligence network in India
Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics Date published: -
Costs of TB services in India (No 1)
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Date published: -
Catastrophic Health Expenditure and Distress Financing Among Patients With Nondialysis CKD in Uddanam, India
Kidney International Reports Date published: -
Public Finance of Universal Routine Childhood Immunization in India: District Level Cost Estimates
Health Policy and Planning Date published: -
Cost of conducting Measles-Rubella vaccination campaign in India
Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics Date published: -
The incremental cost of improving immunization coverage in India through the Intensified Mission Indradhanush programme
Health Policy and Planning Date published: -
Impact of campaign-style delivery of routine vaccines: a quasi-experimental evaluation using routine health services data in India
Health Policy and Planning Date published: -
An integrated community and primary healthcare worker intervention to reduce stigma and improve management of common mental disorders in rural India: protocol for the SMART Mental Health programme
Trials Date published: -
Evaluation of the SPIRIT Integrated Suicide Prevention Programme: study protocol for a cluster-randomised controlled trial in rural Gujarat, India
Trials Date published: -
Atmiyata, a community-led intervention to address common mental disorders: Study protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomized controlled trial in rural Gujarat, India
Trials Date published: -
A home-based, primary-care model for epilepsy care in India: Basis and design
Epilepsia Open Date published: -
Immunization decision-making capacity building in low- and middle-income countries through teaching vaccine economics everywhere: a program evaluation
Journal of Global Health Science Date published: