Susmita Chatterjee's Publications
About Susmita Chatterjee's Publications
Program Head - Health Economics- PhD
Determinants of cost of routine immunization programme in India
Vaccine Date published: -
Variation in cost and performance of routine immunisation service delivery in India
BMJ Global Health Date published: -
Catastrophic costs potentially averted by tuberculosis control in India and South Africa: a modelling study
The Lancet Global Health Date published: -
Cost-effectiveness and resource implications of aggressive action on tuberculosis in China, India, and South Africa: a combined analysis of nine models
The Lancet Global Health Date published: -
Using Misoprostol for Primary versus Secondary Prevention of Postpartum Haemorrhage - Do Costs Matter?
PLOS ONE Date published: -
Out of pocket expenditure to deliver at public health facilities in India: a cross sectional analysis
Reproductive Health Date published: -
Potential impact of spatially targeted adult tuberculosis vaccine in Gujarat, India
Journal of The Royal Society Interface Date published: -
Current costs & projected financial needs of India′s Universal Immunization Programme
Indian Journal of Medical Research Date published: -
Cost Per DALY Averted in a Surgical Unit of a Private Hospital in India
World Journal of Surgery Date published: -
Estimating the effectiveness of a hospital’s interventions in India: impact of the choice of disability weights
Bulletin of the World Health Organization Date published: -
Cost-Effectiveness of Treatment and Secondary Prevention of Acute Myocardial Infarction in India: A Modeling Study
Global Heart Date published: -
Analysis of the Universal Immunization Programme and introduction of a rotavirus vaccine in India with IndiaSim
Vaccine Date published: -
Unit Cost of Medical Services at Different Hospitals in India
PLOS ONE Date published: -
Measuring risk aversion among the urban poor in Kolkata, India
Applied Economics Letters Date published: -
Costs of surgical procedures in Indian hospitals
BMJ Open Date published: -
Social welfare and provision of informal care: a case study using economic valuation to determine monetary compensation in Thailand
Journal of Health Systems Research Date published: