Yuan Li - 李园's Publications
About Yuan Li - 李园's Publications
Head of Nutrition & Lifestyle Program-
Reducing Salt Intake in China with “Action on Salt China” (ASC): Protocol for Campaigns and Randomized Controlled Trials
JMIR Research Protocols Date published: -
A town level comprehensive intervention study to reduce salt intake in China: protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial
BMJ Open Date published: -
Salt content of sauces in the UK and China: cross-sectional surveys
BMJ Open Date published: -
Dual-modality imaging of atherosclerotic plaques using ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide labeled with rhodamine
Nanomedicine Date published: -
Nutrition-Related Mobile Apps in the China App Store: Assessment of Functionality and Quality
JMIR mHealth and uHealth Date published: -
An Application-based programme to reinforce and maintain lower salt intake (AppSalt) in schoolchildren and their families in China
BMJ Open Date published: -
Application of Mobile Health Technologies Aimed at Salt Reduction: Systematic Review
JMIR mHealth and uHealth Date published: -
Salt reduction in China: from evidence to action
The Lancet Date published: -
Action on Salt China
The Lancet Date published: -
Progress on salt reduction and prevention of non-communicable disease
Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi Date published: -
Awareness, understanding and use of sodium information labelled on pre-packaged food in Beijing:a cross-sectional study
BMC Public Health Date published: -
The Functionality and Quality of Mobile Applications with Dietary Guidance Content in China
Date published: -
p-Faster R-CNN Algorithm for Food Detection
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering Date published: -
Characteristics of Metabolic Inflammatory Syndrome among Type 2 Diabetes Patients in China
Date published: -
Effectiveness of Adherence to Standardized Hypertension Management by Primary Health Care Workers in China: a Cross-sectional Survey 3 Years after the Healthcare Reform
Biomedical and Environmental Sciences Date published: -
Cross-sectional survey on public health informatics workforce in China: issues, developments and the future
Public Health Date published: