Using technology-enabled solutions to screen and manage mental health care – implications for managing other health conditions like COVID 19
News / Media release
Lending a helping hand to fight COVID-19
Supporting India’s poor and vulnerable during COVID-19
Mental wellbeing in COVID-19 crisis
Joint statements of support for the WHO
Haemodialysis Unit Preparedness Checklist developed to deliver safe dialysis during and after COVID-19 pandemic
News / Media release
Webinar to focus on “Mental Health of healthcare workers in the COVID-19 situation”
UKCDR’s Guidance on Safeguarding in International Development Research
It’s not just sugar, it’s the food system: new report outlines path to better dietary and planetary health
News / Media release
Health workers should be encouraged to use mobile devices for remote consultation with COVID-19 patients
News / Media release
Are we doing enough for the mental well-being of Community Health Workers during COVID-19?
News / Profile story
Health 10x: India Innovation Immersive Experience 2020
News / Media release