Kathy Trieu's Publications
About Kathy Trieu's Publications
Program Lead - Nutrition Implementation Research, Food Policy- Conjoint Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine UNSW
- PhD,
- MPH,
- BAppSc (Nutr&ExSpSc)
Training and Pilot for National Salt Intake Survey
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Salt Reduction Initiatives around the World - A Systematic Review of Progress towards the Global Target
PLOS ONE Date published: -
Low- and middle- income countries’ progress towards the global salt target
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GACD: Cost-effectiveness of Salt Reduction in the Pacific Islands
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Economic Business Case for Salt Reduction Action in Victoria
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No need to pickle children: get Big Food to cut salt for better health
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The Implementation and Monitoring of the Action Plan to Reduce the Double Burden of Malnutrition in the Western Pacific Region
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Salt reduction in Australia: from advocacy to action.
Cardiovasc Diagn Ther Date published: -
WHO CC on Population Salt Reduction- Remit and Activities
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Programs of Work with Food Industry to Reduce Salt in Foods.
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Target Salt 2025: A Global Overview of National Programs to Encourage the Food Industry to Reduce Salt in Foods
Nutrients Date published: -
Whole of government obesity prevention interventions: an Evidence Check rapid review
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Evaluation of the Fiji Salt Reduction Intervention Data Analysis Training
Strengthening knowledge to implementation of salt reduction interventions - a qualitative study of Mongolia’s salt reduction strategy
Health claims, product features and instructions for use on the labels of potassium-enriched salt products: content analysis (Preprint)