Commissioned research program

The Commissioned Research Program supports the delivery of a wide range of tailored research, evaluation and other consultancy services that are underpinned by strong methodological rigour and delivered by highly experienced staff members. 

The Program is focussed on providing evidence to guide critical health decisions and engaging with decision makers to enact real change. It supports the Divisions and Programs across The George Institute to deliver high-quality projects that are responsive to the needs of key stakeholders and provide rigorous evidence around the appropriateness, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of health interventions.

The Commissioned Research Program adopts a systematic approach to commissioned (contract) work across the organisation, by centralising, coordinating and standardising processes and procedures. In doing so, the Program offers a range of support services that aim to ensure The George Institute Australia meets the needs of our various clients, partners and stakeholders.

Please refer to The George Institute Research & Consultancy Services information brochure (PDF) for more information.

For all enquiries with regards to our Commissioned Research and consultancy services, please contact:

Rabia Khan
Head, Commissioned Research & Engagement
T +61 2 8052 4582


A selection of contract work we have completed, including links to the final product, are listed below. This list is not exhaustive – further information can be provided upon request.

  • Burden of Cardiovascular Disease in Indonesia (2017) (PDF): An evidence review commissioned by Pfizer to inform an Addressing Cardiovascular Mortality in Indonesia workshop held on 22 February 2017 in Jakarta.
  • Low vision, quality of life and independence: A review of the evidence on aids and technologies (2017) (PDF): The Macular Disease Foundation Australia commissioned The George Institute for Global Health to conduct a literature review of the current evidence relating to low vision aids and technologies.
  • Commissioning Economic Evaluations: A Guide (2017) (PDF): This Guide was commissioned by the Centre for Epidemiology and Evidence, NSW Ministry of Health. The purpose of the guide is to assist NSW Health staff in the commissioning of economic evaluations, particularly in relation to population health programs.
  • Asthma Australia’s Thunderstorm Asthma – Consumer Survey Report (2016) (PDF): Asthma Australia awarded a contract to The George Institute for Global Health’s Respiratory Group to undertake qualitative data analysis and write the report. The report details the findings of Asthma Australia’s Thunderstorm Asthma Consumer Survey and provides recommendations.
  • 1 Deadly Step: Process evaluation of a chronic disease screening program in NSW Aboriginal communities (2016) (PDF): The ‘1 Deadly Step’ program was supported by the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation to provide community screening of chronic disease risk factors at Aboriginal Community events across NSW. The George Institute was contracted to develop a mHealth platform to assist with the assessment, management and follow-up at nominated Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHS), to evaluate the implementation of the program and produce a detailed report. The evaluation involved a mixed-methods approach, generating comprehensive insights on program implementation that informed a set of recommendations for the program going forward.
  • NSW Chronic Disease Management Program Evaluation report (2014) (PDF): The NSW Chronic Disease Management Program – Connecting Care in the Community (CDMP) is a free service for people with chronic disease who have difficulty managing their condition and who are at risk of hospitalisation. The evaluation of this program was contracted by NSW Health in February 2011. It was awarded to a consortium that was led by The George Institute for Global Health in partnership with the Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity at the University of New South Wales and the Centre for Health Economics Research and Evaluation at the University of Technology Sydney.
  • Salt matters for Pacific Island countries: mobilizing for effective action to reduce population salt intake in the Pacific Island countries – Media & Advocacy Toolkit (2014) (PDF): The WHO Collaborating Centre for Population Salt Reduction at The George Institute for Global Health, was commissioned by the World Health Organisation Office for the South Pacific, to produce a media and advocacy toolkit that provides people with an interest in public health the information and tools required to implement advocacy activities on salt reduction.
  • Guidelines for road safety around schools (2011) (PDF): The Northern Territory government commissioned The George Institute for Global Health’s Injury Prevention team to develop guidelines, based on those from Western Australia, to support road safety around schools. Following in-depth interviews with key stakeholders and review of current literature, these guidelines were designed for use by local road authorities, teachers, school staff and councils. Essentially, in keeping with a safe system approach, the guidelines aimed to inform key stakeholders how to create a safer environment for children to travel to and from school.

Commissioned Research Advisory Group

The purpose of this group is to provide high-level advice on the approach to commissioned research including structures, processes, procedures; strategic direction for the Commissioned Research Program; input into large tender bids and other relevant contract pieces.

Current members:

Commissioned Research Working Group

The purpose of this group is to work collaboratively with teams across the organisation; providing support and building capacity for undertaking contract research and other related activities at The George. This group will contribute to progressing the development of structures, processes, procedures and staff development; and potentially large tender bids and other contract work.